It’s nice to meet you.

My name is Belle Sandella and I’m passionate about supporting individuals and families facing an end-of-life diagnosis or life transition with warmth, compassion and insight. My mission is to help clients find the strength and personal clarity to lean into living, embrace curiosity, and discover joy regardless of life stage or prognosis.  Together in partnership, we will gently explore your life’s true meaning and legacy.

My philosophy

I believe the transition to end of life is a personal and sacred journey worthy of gentle care and consideration. The opportunity to do this important work is often overlooked until we are forced to deal with it. Why not begin the process on our own terms?

I have a unique skill set born from my professional experience as a registered nurse, hospice volunteer, personal caregiver, and reiki practitioner. These skills allow me to bring clarity and focus to others when it is needed most. I have been caring for individuals across the life continuum for over twenty years. It is my sincere honor to serve you and your loved ones.

I am trained through the International End-of-Life Doula Association (INELDA) and I am a member of the National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA). I am currently pursuing my INELDA End-of-Life Doula Certification.